We spread a culture of talent by attracting and enhancing the best professionals and ensuring a safe and motivating work environment for our people, which represent our most important asset.

People are one of the main pillars of our organization

People are an important source of competitive advantage as each individual contributes to achieving our common goals. In this sense, we feel the responsibility of improving their skills and competencies, attracting the best talents, enhancing their projects and ideas, by favoring the attraction of international profiles and the integration of different cultures.
Diversity together with inclusion are our distinctive features to be promoted with the aim of encouraging and enhancing people active participation and contribution to corporate life, by offering equal opportunities and avoiding any discriminatory approach.

Our performances in 2019


average hours

of training per capita


Operating companies

with occupational health and safety management system certified by ISO 45001 or OHSAS 18001


New / vacant key positions filled by internal successors

Gender equality

We define a value system for gender equality

In accordance with Danish regulations governing the gender composition of management in large companies, cf. Section 139(a) of the Danish Companies Act and Section 99(b) of the Danish Financial Statements Act, the Group’s policy on gender equality is being extended by recruitment and promotions as the decisive consideration is still to find the best qualified people for all organisational positions.

In order to achieve a balanced management composition the Group is committed to increasing the proportion of female leaders, and in 2020 the work to attract female candidates for senior positions will continue. As the number of employees in the Group’s parent company is fewer than 50, goals and policies have not been formulated for the proportion of females at management level.

The Board of Directors of the Group’s parent company has one female and six male members elected by the Annual General Meeting. The goal is to have two female AGM-elected members before the end of 2021.


The importance of diversity

In a global group, the challenge and opportunity is to raise awareness that diversity, inclusion and multicultural integration are a heritage and a value. Understanding and respecting every cultural and religious identity of our employees is essential to guarantee a collaborative and harmonious work environment.
In Malaysia, for example, we have set up special prayer rooms inside the establishment, which differ according to the religious beliefs of the employees; the consumption of certain food products has been forbidden in full respect of cultural differences.

Cementir Academy

Our commitment to personal and professional growth

To develop competencies and skills, integrate different knowledge and cultures, preserve and spread knowledge within our Group and promote innovation and creativity: they are the reasons behind the creation of our Academy.
Cementir Academy started in 2017 with the aim to support the development and growth of our organization in alignment with our strategy.

Discover more on Cementir Academy

Circular economy

What for others is waste for us it is renewable fuel or raw material.

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We want to reduce our carbon footprint by limiting CO2 emissions and improving water and land management.

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We generate value for local communities, listening to their needs and concerns and building relationships based on transparency, respect and accountability.

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