We want to reduce our carbon footprint by limiting CO2 emissions and improving water and land management.

The Group has committed to a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions per tonne of cement produced compared to 1990 levels.

We have defined a road map with actions and investments needed to meet our targets with specific objectives for each production plant.

We respect the environment by recycling 65% of process water in cement production and maximizing the use of alternative fuels and raw materials. We adopt all necessary measures and the most innovative technological solutions to minimize the impact of our business on the environment.

For all quarries, we have implemented rehabilitation and biodiversity recovery programs. In Belgium was launched the Life in Quarries project, co-funded by the European Commission, which the objective to improve biodiversity management during quarry exploitation.

Our environmental performances in 2019


Operating companies certified ISO 14001*


million tonnes

of CO2 emissions



Recycled water in cement production

* Environmental Management Systems

Innovation, research and development at the service of sustainability

We strive to maintain a technological edge as Innovation, Research and Development are powerful tools to improve our environmental footprint. We consider R&D as an essential strategic activity to improve both product quality and process costs but also to improve sustainability. Through our innovation platform InWhite SolutionTM we engineer and develop new materials and new solutions to improve energy efficiency and push product boundaries towards new applications.

Aalborg Research and Quality Centre

A benchmark of excellence for innovation in cement production, our Research and Quality Centre in Aalborg (Denmark) is constantly looking for ways to increase sustainability along the entire value chain, from limestone extraction to use of raw materials and alternative fuels, to the creation of semi-finished products and products with a lower environmental impact.

Find out more about innovation

We are at the forefront in the development of low CO2 cement: patented in various countries, FUTURECEMTM technology exploits the synergies between natural raw materials used for the production of cement, allowing us to create new products by decreasing climate-changing emissions.

Find out more about FUTURECEM™
District heating in the city of Aalborg

We build and develop synergy and cooperation with the territories in which we operate, such as in the city of Aalborg: its cement plant is equipped with a system for recovering heat from combustion gases, thus saving tons of CO2 and reusing thermal energy in district heating. A synergy that satisfies the annual heat demand of about 36,000 families, with the objective of reaching 50,000.

Find out more about our commitment to local communities
Circular economy

What for others is waste for us it is renewable fuel or raw material.

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We want to reduce our carbon footprint by limiting CO2 emissions and improving water and land management.

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We spread a culture of talent by attracting and enhancing the best professionals and ensuring a safe and motivating work environment for our people, which represent our most important asset.

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