To develop and update our competencies and skills, integrate different know-how and cultures, preserve and spread the knowledge within our Group, promote innovation and creativity: these are the main objectives of Cementir Academy, our Group learning hub.

Cementir Academy

Cementir Academy

We believe that investing in our people and giving them the opportunity to grow professionally and develop their skills supports the development and enhancement of our organization and facilitates the achievement of our strategic objectives in an effective and sustainable way.

The Cementir Academy is an enabler of corporate strategy and an accelerator of individual development thanks to internal and external training initiatives that span four macro learning streams:

1.Cultural and corporate
3.Technical and Functional

  • Cultural and Corporate

    We have co-designed and implemented several online courses for the Group, related to compliance issues such as the Code of Ethics, the 231 Model, Fraud management and whistleblowing system, Management of privileged information.

    Other training courses are also available, aimed at spreading a corporate culture such as the course on our Leadership Model, on our Corporate Values ​​as well as training on Cybersecurity.

    The purpose? To align our behavior and increase our awareness and knowledge of the system of internal rules and procedures by using micro-learning as an innovative and inclusive learning technique.

  • Managerial

    We aim to spread a One Group culture and to guarantee a generational shift over time on the Group's key positions. Furthermore, we are committed to prepare our current and future leaders to face different and not always completely predictable challenges and scenarios.

    Therefore, we are committed to enhance talent and refine and develop managerial and leadership skills while promoting the integration, collaboration and empowerment of the person on his/her own self-development and continuous improvement.

    For this purpose, we have defined a Group framework for leadership development, within which to design differentiated training paths for the population involved (talents, middle managers and senior leaders) in collaboration with top-level International Business Schools such as SDA Bocconi:

    • LEAD Program for senior leaders 
    • Developing Managerial Excellence for middle management to take up roles of greater complexity
    • Talent Development Program for emerging talents, our future leaders.
  • Technical and functional

    The development of professional skills is key to organizational competitiveness.

    The Technical Training Program is an example of a Group initiative that aims at updating and filling any skill gap, promoting knowledge and best practice sharing and at strengthening integration and collaboration between colleagues working at our cement plants worldwide. Created in a blended mode (traditional classroom preceded by online courses), the program is composed of approximately 20 training courses developed over a two-year period and is primarily involving employees working in the Aalborg plant, though it is open to colleagues from other nationalities operating in other Group cement plants.

    Digitization is one of the challenges we are facing and the EvOCEM (Evolved Office for Cementir) training path is the strategic key to success. EvoCEM is a continuous training program for advanced Office 365 tools managed by our EvoCEM Ambassadors who have been previously selected at Group level and trained. This training is provided periodically to all new hires.

  • Onboarding

    In order to assist any newly hired person in their initial period of corporate life, an onboarding program has been introduced, including a specific training program delivered in e-learning mode and live.

    This training allows new hires to become familiar with the business context and our core businesses.

Cementir Academy Mission

Cementir Academy is our Group's learning hub, allowing us to grow and respond proactively to the challenges of an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing environment. Thanks to Cementir Academy we develop and update our people knowledge and our professional and managerial skills.

Cementir Academy wants to enable a culture of continuous improvement and is enabler for the achievement of company strategy and performance. It promotes knowledge and best practices sharing and allows people to develop new ways of working and managing relationships with different stakeholders.

With the Cementir Academy we aim at promoting an inclusive approach allowing our people to experience education in an engaging way, stimulating them to invest in their continuous learning. We use technologies and new web tools in addition to more traditional approaches such as classroom training, on the job training, coaching and mentoring.

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