• is the result of the Cementir Group’s extensively applied research which covers the whole production process, from raw materials assessment to manufacturing and cement application. FUTURECEMTM is a proprietary technology patented in US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, India, China and Australia;
  • it relies on the synergy between calcined clay and limestone filler which allows more than 40% clinker replacement in cement, depending on clay type, but keeping the same performance of a pure Portland cement;
  • it is a proven innovation, which is being used for building two bridges in Denmark (project “Green Concrete II”).

Why is FUTURECEMTM more sustainable than ordinary cement?

FUTURECEMTM is more sustainable because it:

  • determines approx. 30% CO2 emission reduction in the manufacturing phase;
  • enables production of durable concrete with reduced clinker content by exploiting synergies of two largely available materials;
  • is fully acknowledged as a solution for clinker ratio reduction in the roadmap for “Low Carbon transition in the cement industry” by the International Energy Agency – 2018.

What is the status of FutureCem right now?

FUTURECEM ™ has already been tested in a DTU building and in three bridges built by the Danish road management and Banedanmark. In these constructions FUTURECEM ™ has been used together with standard concrete.

These projects serve as inspiration for students who use this laboratory for the development of sustainable concrete. We are currently conducting production trials in Aalborg Portland to study how we can best produce this cement on a large scale.

Foto: Torben Eskerod / Danish Concrete

Foto: Torben Eskerod / Danish Concrete

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