Cementir recognized Supplier Engagement Leader in 2022 by CDP
For the first year Cementir Holding N.V. has been recognized Supplier Engagement Leader by CDP.
CDP’s annual Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) is designed to assess and foster action on corporate supply chain engagement on climate issues, based on the answers provided in the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire. The area evaluated by the SER are governance, targets, value chain (Scope 3) emissions and suppliers engagement strategies.
Cementir Holding N.V. is among the top 8% overall companies assessed for supplier engagement on climate change.
“I am proud that Cementir’s efforts toward sustainability has been recognized once again by CDP. We are aware that, to generate long lasting positive impact on the environment and society, cooperation with the whole value chain is increasingly important to face humanitarian, environmental and social challenges of our time”, commented Francesco Caltagirone jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Cementir, since 2020, is committed to calculate its Scope 3 emissions, in increasing suppliers’ climate change awareness and understanding also through the participation to CDP Supply Chain Program and ensuring that all suppliers respect its company’s policies, consistent with regulations and the highest international standards (as part of this, the Supplier Code of Conduct was reviewed in 2022).
The noticeable recognition of Supplier Engagement Leader come after few months of Cementir Holding obtaining a score of A- both on CDP Climate Change Questionnaire and CDP Water Security.

About CDP
CDP is an international non-profit organization that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. CDP has the world’s largest, most comprehensive set of companies’ environmental data and is utilized by investors and purchasing organizations to make informed decisions, reward high-performing companies, and drive action. In 2022 over 18,700 companies representing over half of global market capitalization disclosed through CDP. The full list of company scores is available here.