CE-Mentorship Program, Phase III: from Theory to Practice
The Cementorship Program, a training and induction project for young talented engineers launched by the Cementir Group, has reached its third phase.
The Growth Plan that defines the inclusion of tomorrow’s managers into the Group begins right now, starting from the plants where the young people will be able to see and touch the core of practical activities.
In fact, this phase, called The International Experience, foresees a training session for participants of a minimum period of 3 weeks in the Aalborg, Gaurain and Izmir plants.
Once the students reach the plants they will be inducted to this part of the Program - specifically designed by the Technical Department and the HR team and organized in 8 units, or 24 weeks of training - alternating theoretical training in the classroom with real and proper field activities.
This will allow the neo-graduates to combine theoretical with practical knowledge and acquire the Cementir Group’s “way of working” thanks to our coaches and internal tutors who are committed, not only for relaying technical training aspects, but also to share the corporate culture and a common approach.
The mentors play an essential role among the key figures for the implementation of the Program. They are in charge of assisting the candidates with the aim of defining a clear and appropriate development path with them. They represent a constant presence in all the learning phases.
The aim of the Program is to prepare young talent to take up the countless challenges the production world proffers today under different and complex aspects.
Our wish is that they gain the best from this experience and are ready to reinvest it on the job in a most profitable way!